SICSA Education Workshop – Exploring the SQA NextGen project and the impact on student transitions

Date(s) - 24/02/2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Edinburgh Napier University,  School of Computing would like to invite you to an online event -Exploring the SQA NextGen project and the impact on student transitions.

This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the SQA HNC/D changes in Computing and to discuss the implications for supporting students in transition. These changes will be introduced by our keynote speaker – Bobby Elliott, SQA Qualifications Manager for Technology, Engineering and Construction.

Following from the keynote Debbie Meharg and Carole Mooney will:

  • Share their experience of supporting direct entry students from FE colleges.
  • Ask participants to consider the impact of the SQA proposal and discuss the changes in support mechanisms following Covid-19 restrictions.
  • Share our research, find out what other departments have been doing, and potentially seed research collaborations in this area.

Please register for this event at Eventbrite.

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