Theory, Modelling and Computation

Developing safe and correct software is of utmost importance. This is particularly true for modern society where the quality of individual lives as well as whole economies depend on software robustness and reliability. Theory, modelling and computation provide the foundations and tools for all stages of such software development: logical specifications for design, programming languages for implementation, and testing and model-checking for maintenance.

Research objectives range from foundational research into the very nature of computation, to practical considerations of how to best develop and implement next-generation programming languages and verification tools to make software development as efficient, effectful and reliable as possible. Relevant fields include logic, category theory, programming languages, model-driven engineering, new computational paradigms, proof assistants, automated reasoning and model-checking.

The Research Theme leaders for Theory, Modelling and Computation are Dr Clemens Kupke and Dr Lilia Georgieva.

Please complete a proposal and email to if you wish to organise a theme activity or event in this area.

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Dr Clemens Kupke

University of Strathclyde

Theme lead – Theory, Modelling & Computation
Lilia Georgieva

Dr Lilia Georgieva

Heriot-Watt University

Theme lead – Theory, Modelling & Computation