Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AI and DS) are broad areas, and there have been huge advances in both of these intertwined topics in recent years. 

The main aim of the theme is to bring together researchers across Scotland to advance AI & Data Science. With recent huge increases in computer power and data storage, some ideas that were previously impractical have become not only possible, but commercially viable. Virtually all SICSA institutions work on some aspect of AI & Data Science.

Particularly interesting in both areas are the research questions and opportunities that arise from exploiting multiple data sources and types. To predict the spread of an infection, for example, traditional approaches can now be enhanced with open data on weather, traffic, transport schedules, and more.

AI & DS cover a wide range of topics, including reasoning, planning, knowledge representation, sensory perception, natural language processing, generative AI, learning, and optimisation, Big Data processing, analysis, knowledge extraction and exploitation from data of all kinds, information retrieval, machine learning, privacy, security, signal processing, visualisation, and more.

With our close connections and collaboration with The Data Lab Innovation Centre and the Scottish AI Alliance, the theme delivers a lively schedule of events, which aim to:

  • Strengthen research collaborations between SICSA members working in AI & DS and related disciplines, leading to long-lasting interdisciplinary research partnerships;
  • Stimulate improved collaboration between the various research sub-groups to identify new and emerging research areas;
  • Share  knowledge, expertise and tools to enhance AI research.

AI & Data Science Theme Leads

Dr Dimitra Gkatzia

Edinburgh Napier University

Theme lead – AI & Data Science

Dr Yashar Moshfeghi

University of Strathclyde

Theme lead – AI & Data Science

Please complete a proposal and email to if you wish to organise a theme activity or event in this area.

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