We are pleased to announce that we are now recruiting for a new Director of the SICSA Graduate Academy. Applications are welcome from any suitable member of academic staff working at a SICSA member institution.
The SICSA Graduate Academy (SGA) is an international graduate school in Informatics and Computer Science. All Informatics and Computer Science PhD students who are registered with a Scottish University are members of the Graduate Academy and can participate in SICSA activities without charge. The SGA is coordinated by the Graduate Academy Director, with support from the SICSA Executive.
Research pooling across Scotland is entering an exciting phase. Following the review of pooling, the SFC are considering a number of recommendations which present opportunities for someone interested this role. You can help shape the foundations for the future of SICSA as we develop into this new era of Scottish research pooling. Anyone interested in taking on this role should be willing to work with others in the directorate on developing a new direction for SICSA in light of a changing funding landscape.
If you would like to speak informally about the role, please contact the SICSA Director, Professor Stuart Anderson (S.Anderson@ed.ac.uk)
Application process
Review the job description and send your completed application along with a current (summarised) CV to the Executive Officer by 31 July 2024.